Heather Higgins Alderman, President & CEO

Heather joined ILCHF in August of 2013. Since that time she has led the work of the Board and staff to fulfill ILCHF’s mission and vision.

Collaborate. Implement. Learn. Amplify. Change. These five words describe the work of ILCHF. With a primary focus on children’s oral health and mental health, ILCHF partners with child serving organizations (mental, oral and primary health providers, schools, universities, state agencies, other funders, etc.) to implement and support initiatives that promote the health and wellness of children in Illinois. We then share the knowledge gained in order to catalyze change in systems throughout Illinois. Through this work we believe that we are all working to fulfill ILCHF’s vision that every child in Illinois grows up healthy.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Heather served as the Vice President for Advancement, External Affairs and General Counsel to Pillars, a prominent mental health and social service agency. For more than 6 years she was a senior executive leading fundraising efforts, external affairs, and human resources for the organization. Heather’s work at Pillars followed a legal career, which included a partnership at Cole, Grasso, Fencl & Skinner, as well as more than 20 years defending and pursuing complex legal and medical malpractice cases. In 2015, Heather completed 16 years of school board service, having served 8 years on the Western Springs District 101 Elementary Board, followed by 8 years on the Lyons Township High School District 204 Board. Ms. Alderman earned a B.A. in Economics from the University of Notre Dame and a J.D. from the University of Illinois.

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