Our Work

Mission: We cultivate, support, and promote initiatives that improve the health and wellness of children in Illinois.

Some Examples of our Impact:

ILCHF and Partners Building Systems of Care

Wellness Express: Adams County Oral Health

Food as Medicine Program, Promise Healthcare

Erie Health Services, Mental Health in Primary Care

I’ve enjoyed working with ILCHF because they have allowed us to do a lot of different things. And then ILCHF has helped get us connected to others who are interested in doing the same kind of work.
Nancy Greenwalt, Executive Director Promise Healthcare

ILCHF Healthy Children 2025

To enable every child in Illinois to grow up healthy, ILCHF, in collaboration with committed partners, will work to implement the following components of a comprehensive, holistic system of children’s health care:


Universal access to evidence-based primary, oral, and mental healthcare for children with an emphasis on fully integrated care.


The alleviation of children’s healthcare disparities.


Life-cycle health & wellness education for all children and caregivers.


Cross-disciplinary education of all healthcare providers.

Since 2004

$110 Million Awarded

  • Oral Health 38 million

  • Mental Health 58 million

  • Other 14 million

642 Grants Awarded

  • 222 Oral Health Grants

  • 229 Mental Health Grants

  • 191 Other Grants

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